Target: | ACR phantom |
Scan conditions: | PE × RO matrix = 160 × 160
FOV = 12 × 24 cm (Zoom DWI), 24 × 24 cm (Conventional DWI) ST = 4 mm, Slice = 30 slices, Plane = Axial, Averaging = 1, Echo Space = 0.9 ms SPEEDER acceleration factor = 2.0 (Exsper) |
Scan conditions: | TR = 4400 ms, TE = 72 ms
PE × RO =96 × 96 (Zoom DWI), PE × RO = 112 × 112 (Conventional DWI) FOV=13 × 13 cm (Zoom DWI), 24 × 24 cm (Conventional DWI) ST = 3 mm, Slice = 30 slices, Plane = Axial, Averaging = 7, EchoSpace = 0.7 ms SPEEDER acceleration factor = 2.0 (Exsper) Fatsat = SPAIR (Zoom DWI), PASTA+SPAIR (Conventional DWI) |
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© Canon Medikal Sistemler Turkey A.Ş.
© Canon Medikal Sistemler Turkey A.Ş.