Expanding Interventional Radiology with the Highest Image Quality
“The system is really addictive. I cannot think how to treat my patients without the Alphenix 4D CT.” Prof. Franco Orsi, Head of the Interventional Radiology department, IEO, Milan, Italy. |
Sky’s the Limit for Royal Bournemouth with Alphenix Sky Ceiling-Mounted System
“The system has been really intuitive to use and we have received really good apps support from the Canon Medical team.” Anne-Marie Jenkins, X-ray and Ultrasound Service Manager at Royal Bournemouth Hospital |
Alphenix 4D CT – Cutting-Edge Innovation in one Single Room
“With good results and low morbidity the techniques possible with the Alphenix 4D CT system provide high-quality patient care at low medical cost.” Prof. Alban Denys, Head of Interventional Radiology at CHUV. |
The Alphenix 4D CT – More Treatments in a More Accurate Manner
“With Canon’s new Angio CT system, we have become more efficient and have been able to shorten the waiting times significantly for several interventions.” Dr. Olle Haller, Head of Interventional Radiology, Gävle Central Hospital, Sweden. |
Maximum Efficiency, Prioritized Patient Safety and Increased Revenue with Canon Medical’s 4D CT Technology
Osman Ahmed, MD Section of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Department of Radiology University of Chicago Medical Center Yiemeng Hoi, PhD, Dale Marek, RT(R), Mark Hohn, Andrew Kuhls-Gilcrist, PhD, DABR Medical Affairs, Interventional X-ray Canon Medical Systems USA, Inc. |
The Largest Radiology Center in Korea Increases the Success Rate of Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE)
Dr. Jung, Chief of Intervention Center at the Human Medical Imaging & Intervention Center, Korea. |
Improved Utilization Following Conversion of a Fluoroscopy Suite to Hybrid CT/ Angiography System
Nicholas Feinberg, MD, Brian Funaki, MD, Mark Hieromnimon, BS, Samuel Guajardo, RT, Rakesh Navuluri, MD, Steven Zangan, MD, Jonathan Lorenz, MD, and Osman Ahmed, MD |
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